City Heights Accounting Services offer Primary Care Support England (PCSE) related administration services that includes the following:

  • Processing of Type 1 Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profits
  • Processing of Type 2 Self Assessment of Pensionable Profits
  • Processing of Practice Estimate of Pensionable Profits
  • Processing of AW8 form for retirement purposes
  • Administering member queries / liaising with PCSE

  • Processing of Type1 Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profits

As a GP Partner or non-GP Partner, you need to complete a Type 1 Annual Certificate of Pensionable Profits for each financial year. This ensures that all NHS pension contributions have been correctly paid, by yourself and your employers, and allocated correctly to your NHS Pension Scheme record. You must submit your certificate by 28 February each year.

Please note: Pension records can only be updated sequentially. This means that, if any certificates from previous years are missing, the most recent years will not be updated in the system. For instance, if a certificate is missing for the year 2015/16 then the ABS (Annual Benefit Statements) will only reflect the pension figures up until 2015, even if the certificates for more recent years have been submitted. If you are aware or have concerns of any previous years that are missing certificates, please contact our dedicated PCSE support for further assistance and to submit the appropriate forms for the relevant missing periods.

Please see the video below for an overview:

  • Processing of Type 2 Self Assessment of Pensionable Profits

As a Salaried or Assistant GP, you will need to complete a Type 2 Self-Assessment of Tiered Contributions for each financial year, so that NHS England can ensure that all NHS pension contributions have been correctly paid, by yourself and your employers, and allocated correctly to your NHS Pension Scheme record. You must submit your annual Type 2 Medical Practitioner Self-Assessment form by 28 February each year.

It is a condition of that a GP must proactively liaise with relevant NHS organisations to ensure they have paid the correct tiered contributions ‘across the board’. Failure to comply with the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations may result in pensionable pay provisionally set to zero for the relevant period. It is a requirement for GPs to complete and submit the self-assessment form each year – please contact our dedicated PCSE support team for for support and advice with regards to your Type 2 Self Assessment of Pensionable Profits.

Please see the video below for an overview:

  • Processing of Practice Estimate of Pensionable Profits

Practices are required to establish estimate of pensionable profits for PCSE to determine the contributions charged to the GP Partners/ Partners, Salaried GPs, etc.

Every general medical services / personal medical services (GMS/PMS) contractor (GP surgery) and alternative provider of medical services (APMS) contractor (that is an NHS Pension Scheme employing authority) is required to complete and submit this form by 31 March of each year. GP surgeries and APMS contactors in England must submit the completed form to the relevant Primary Care Support England (PCSE) team (on behalf of NHS England) and in Wales to the Local Health Board (LHB). Please contact our dedicated PCSE support team for further information with regards to the processing of Practice Estimate of Pensionable Profits.

Please see the video below for an overview:

  • Processing of AW8 form for retirement purposes

Whether you’re a GP taking retirement or 24 hour retirement and you’re taking your NHS Pension benefits, or need to report a death in service, you are required to complete the AW8 form. Please contact our dedicated PCSE support team for further information with regards to the processing of an AW8 form.

Please see the below video for further information on how to claim NHS Pension Retirement benefits: